CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.43, No.8, Aug. 2005
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.479)
- Now, Thinking about Cracking, Again
- By T. Kei
- An Outline of "Recommendation for Practice
of High-Strength Concrete" by the Aechitectural Institute of Japan
- By N. Yamazaki, K. Ichise, A. Nishida and Y. Masuda
- Initial Cracking Prevention Technique in
Lining Concrete
- By N. Sakata and H. Suda
- Strengthening Method for Concrete Structures
with Tensioned CFRP Plate
- By Y. Hamada, H. Yasumori, A. Kobayashi and K. Kuzume
- Seismic Retrofit Systems for R/C Buildings
without Dowel Anchors
- By T. Nakamura, K. Kanata, T. Fujimura and Y. Suzuki
- Concrete, from the Viewpoint of Thermal Insualation and Thermal Capacity
- By H. Akasaka
- Construction of High-rise R/C Building using Precast Shell and Winter
Season Construction
- By H. Kudo, Y. Ueda, T. Kotake and M. Kono
- Concrete Production for RCD by JIOCE High-productivity Continuous Mixing
- By N. Watanuki, M. Oishi, T. Yamasaki and A. Uchida
- Design and Construction of Shitsumiohashi
- By H. Fujiwara, Y. Kabaki, A. Shoji and T. Noro
- Where the Spiritual Calmness comes from?
- By T. Tanabe