Strenghtening Method for Concrete Structures with Tensioned CFRP
By Y. Hamada, H. Yasumori, A. Kobayashi and K. Kuzume
Concrete Journal, Vol.43, No.8, Aug. 2005
- Synopsis
- Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) is an excellent reinforcing material with lightweight and corrosion resistance. As one a method to utilize these superior characteristics, FRP Sheet Adhesion method is widely used as strengthening method of existing concrete structures. However, especially in the case of applying this method for flexural strengthening of beam members, it is considered that high strength of FRP is not used effectively. Therefore, the strengthening method for concrete structures with tensioned Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) plate has been developed. This paper outlines this strengthening method. Loading test results of the viaduct strengthened by this method are also reported.
- Keywords:
- Fiber Reinforced Plastics, CFRP plate, prestress, flexural strenghtening, peeling