JCI's History
1965 to 2024
Calender year | Organization | JCI Journals/Books | Invited Lectures | Annual Convention | International Activities |
1960 | 65 Establishment of Japan National Council on Concrete (JANACC) 66 JIS Revision Drafting Committee (subcontracted by Agency of Industrial Science and Technology: Ready-Mixed Concrete, etc.) 67 JANACC Registered as incorporated association(November 16) |
63 Launch of Concrete Journal 68 Latest Concrete Technology educational book 68 First Concrete Practice Seminar(8 cities across the country) |
68 First Concrete Technology Seminar(8 cities across the country) | 67 Japan-US Science Seminar inTokyo | |
1970 | 70 Concrete Terminology Committee 75 Name changed to Japan Concrete Institute 75 Cracked Concrete Structure Investigation Committee 76 Thesis Screening Committee |
70 Basics of Concrete Technology '70 educational book 76 Fundamentals of Concrete Technology educational book 76 Concrete Handbook compilation 79 Transactions of Japan Concrete Institute, a collection of papers in English |
71 First Authorized Concrete Engineer Examination and Authorized Chief Concrete Engineer Examination 72 First Authorized Chief Concrete Engineer Interview Examination |
79 First JCI Conference | 70 Registered as CEB (Comite Euro-International de Beton) member 79 Japan-US Science Seminar in San Francisco |
1980 | 81 Establishment of Science Committee and Technical Committee | 80 Establishment of Practical Guideline for Investigation and Repair of Cracked Concrete Structures 83 Educational video The Facts about Ready-Mixed Concrete 86 Establishment of Guidelines for Control of Cracking of Mass Concrete 87 Establishment of Practical Guideline for Investigation, Repair and Strengthening of Cracked Concrete Structures |
83 Creation of Authorized Concrete Engineer and Authorized Chief Concrete Engineer Registration System, establishment of Authorized Concrete Engineer Training System | 86 First Concrte Fair | 83 Registered as RILEM(Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des Matériaux, systèmes de construction et ouvrages) member 85 Japan-US Science Seminar in Tokyo |
1990 | 93 Establishment of Hokkaido Chapter and Chubu Chapter 94 Establishment of Kinki Chapter 95 Establishment of Tohoku Chapter 95 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake Seismic Resistance Investigation Committee 96 Establishment of Kanto Chapter and Kyushu Chapter 98 Establishment of Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter |
90 Launch of Concrete Research and Technology 96 Launch of JCI website |
91 "JCI Conference" renamed to "JCI Annual Convention" | 93 Cooperation Agreement with KCI 94 JCI-KCI Joint Seminar in Seoul 97 3rd International Symposium on Non-Metalic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures in Sapporo 98 Registered as fib (fédération internationale du béton) member 99 Japan-US Seminar in Lake Yamanaka |
2000 | 05 Establishment of Chugoku Chapter and Shikoku Chapter | 03 Launch of ACT 06 One Hundred Years of Concrete in Japan 08 Renewal of JCI website |
01 First Authorized Concrete Diagnosis & Maintenance Engineer Workshop 01 First Authorized Concrete Diagnosis & Maintenance Engineer Examination 05 First Authorized Concrete Diagnosis & Maintenance Engineer Registration/Training |
01 JCI Annual Convention Presentation Excellence Award 02 Name of Concerte Fair changed to "Concrete Techno Plaza" 03 Paper Reviewing System |
00 US-Japan Symposium on Seismic Retrofit of Concrete Structure 00 8th Plenary Meeting of ISO/TC71 in Tokyo 02 First fib Congress in Osaka 04 International Partner Agreement between JCI and ACI 04 Establishment of Asian Concrete Federation 05 International Partner Agreement between JCI and IMCYC 06 International Partner Agreement between JCI and IBRACON 07 International Partner Agreement between JCI and RILEM 07 JCI-KCI Joint Committee 08 Concreep8,8HSCHPC 09 ConMat'09 |
2010 | 11 Registered as public interest incorporated association(April 1) 11 Special Committee for East Japan Great Earthquake 13 Special Committee on Maintenance, Repair, and Strengthening of Existing Concrete Structures 15 JCI 50th Anniversary Ceremony 16 Establishment of Grant Project 16 Special Committee on 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake |
12 Launch of ACT Open Access 12 Launch of Concrete Research and Technology Open Access 14 Establishment of Guidelines for Assessument of Existing Concrete Structures 15 JCI 50th Anniversary DVD 18 National Report of Japan on Structural Concrete 2018 (Collaborate with JPCI) |
13 Discontinuance of Authorized Chief Concrete Engineer Interview Examination 16 Establishment of Authorized Chief Concrete Engineer Training System |
12 3rd APFIS2012 in Sapporo 12 3rd JCI-KCI-TCI Symposium 13 ICCS13 13 SCMT3 15 RCCS in Nagasaki 16 International Partner Agreement between JCI and TCA 16 International Partner Agreement between JCI and CIA 17 CONCRACK5 17 23th Plenary Meeting of ISO/TC71 in Sapporo 18 International Partner Agreement between JCI and TCI 19 3rd ACF Symposium in Sapporo |
2020 | 22 Renewal of JCI Website 23 Establishment of Recommendations for Concrete Pumping Methods 23 National Report of Japan on Structural Concrete 2022 (Collaborate with JPCI) |
20 Launch of Authorized Concrete Diagnosis & Maintenance Engineer e-learning workshop 20 The 53rd Concrete Technology Seminar was canceled due to the pandemic of Covid-19 20 Technical Committees' seminars and symposiums were held online due to the pandemic of Covid-19 21 Launch of Authorized Concrete Engineer and Authorized Chief Concrete Engineer e-learning Training System 21 The Concrete Technology Seminar was shifted to an online format |
20 JCI Annual Convention (Hiroshima) was canceled due to the pandemic of Covid-19 21 JCI Annual Convention (Nagoya) was held online due to the pandemic of Covid-19 21 Concrete Techno Plaza was held online at virtual venue due to the pandemic of Covid-19 |
20 Con'Mat 20 was canceled due to the pandemic of Covid-19 21 RILEM Week/ICRCS 2022 |