An Outline of "Recommendation for Practice of High-Strength
Concrete" by the Architectural Institute of Japan
By N. Yamazaki, K. Ichise, A. Nishida and Y. Masuda
Concrete Journal, Vol.43, No.8, Aug. 2005
- Synopsis
- "Recommendation for Practice of High-Strength Concrete" was published from the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) in January 2005. In 1976, AIJ published "Recommendation for Design and Practice of High-strength reinforced concrete". In recent 25 years, the design and construction technology of high-strength concrete was remarkably improved. Also, high-strength concrete has been applied to a lot of high-rise buildings. Therefore, the former recommendation was revised in all aspects. The new recommendation comprises the criteria, standards and test methods based on the latest technologies of high-strength concrete including high-strength concrete filled tube and high-strength pre-cast concrete. This report gives an outline of this new recommendations.
- Keywords:
- High-strength concrete, High-strength reinforcement, Proportioning strength, Quality control and inspection, High-strength concrete filled tube, High-strength pre-cast concrete