Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.21, No.1, Jan. 2010 (Isseu 52)
- Proposal for Estimation Method of Surface Chloride Content of RC Deck in Open-Piled Pier considering the Structural Types and the Influence of Wave Action
- By Takahiko Amino, Nobuaki Otsuki, Tsuyoshi Saito and Takashi Habuchi
- Fundamental Study on Mehcanical Performacne of Rigid Joint PCaPC Member to Cast-in-place Bottom Slab
- By Masahiro Nakai, Nobuaki Arai and Hidenori Hamada
- Development of a Simple Test Method to Assess Freeze-thaw Resistance of Recycled Aggregate
- By Hiroshi Katahira and Hiroshi Watanabe
- Properties of Ecocement Concrete Exposed in Marine Environment for Fiver Years
- By Yasuhiro Nagashio, Masami Uzawa, Toru Yamaji and Yoshikazu Akira
- A Study on Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Super Lightweight Aggregate Made of Yellow River Sedimentary Soil
- By Masashi Funabashi, Koji Tsuruta, Takahiko Sasaki and Junichiro Niwa
- Influence of Scaling Resistance of Frost Damage of Porous Concrete
- By Takuro Nakamura, Yakashi Horiguchi, Kazunori Shimura and Tuyoshi Ishiia