Properties of Ecocement Concrete Exposed in Marine Environment for Fiver Years
By Yasuhiro Nagashio, Masami Uzawa, Toru Yamaji and Yoshikazu Akira
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.21, No.1, Jan. 2010 (Issue 52)
- Synopsis:
- This study discusses compressive strength, penetration of chloride ion and pore size distribution of Ecocement concrete exposed in marine environments for five years. As a results, Compressive strength is not recognized to lower after exposed for five years. Penetration of chloride ion was admitted to permeate into Ecocement concrete. Total pore volume was admitted to decrease passing in the age, but the pore volume influencing the penetration of chloride ion was a lot of volumes. Ecocement concrete with blast-furnace slag powder was recognized the long-terms strength gain, and Penetration of chloride ion did not permeate into Ecocement concrete wirh blast-furnace slag powder.
- Keywords:
- Ecocement, Compressive strength, Penetration of chloride ion, Pore size distribusion, Blast-furnace slag powder