Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.18, No.1, Jan. 2007 (Issue 43)
- Study on Deterrent Effect of Concrete Scaling by surface coating
- By Mitsuhiro Takeda and Koji Otsuka
- Study on Out-of-plane Shear Failure of Large-Scale RC Panel Specimens
- By Kiyo-omi Kanemoto, Hitoshi Kumagai, Toshihiko Hirama and Isao Nishimura
- 3-D Numerical Simulation on Responses of Reinforced Concrete Beams subjected to Standoff Detonation Loads
- By Tomohiro Ando , Masahiro Morishita and Tsuyoshi Asonuma
- A Study on Grain Shape and Grading Improvement of Concrete Coarse Aggregate
- By Haruyuki Takeshita, Ayatomo Ikawa, Yosuke Tanizawa and Yukitoshi Yoshida
- Research on initial performance of continuous Arch-culvert
- By Satoshi Nakano and Keitetsu Rokugo
- Quantitative Evaluation of Variation in Concrete Quality by using Neural Network
- By Yoshitaka Kato and Manabu Fujino
- Experimental study on effect of fly ash incorporated as the part of fine aggregate on expansion of mortar due to ASR
- By Yuichiro Kawabata and Hiromichi Matsushita