Study on Out-of-plane Shear Failure of Large-Scale RC Panel Specimens
By Kiyo-omi Kanemoto, Hitoshi Kumagai, Toshihiko Hirama and Isao Nishimura
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.18, No.1, Jan. 2007 (Issue 43)
- Synopsis:
- Size effects of RC beam without shear reinforcement is well known as in the shear strength. However, there are few studies concerning the size effect on the out-of-plane shear failure of RC panel. In this study, the size effect on the shear strength of RC panel was investigated by the out-of-plane shear test on RC panel specimens in various sizes including large-scale ones. As a result of the test, the size effect was not clearly identified, because the shear span to depth ratio of the specimens was small and concrete around the loading plates, forming the tied-arch mechanism, was failed in compression zone. The 3D FEM analysis turned out to be effective to estimate the shear strength of RC panel including large-scale specimens.
- Keywords:
- large-scale specimen, RC panel, out-of-plane shear, size effect