CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.58, No.6, Jun. 2020
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.657)
- Measures to Improve Productivity in Concrete Products
- By Y. Shiraishi
- Outline of Revision of AIJ Recommendations for Practice of Thermal Cracking Control of Massive Concrete in Buildings
- By F. Sakuramoto, I. Maruyama, Y. Koshiro, M. Kojima and S. Kuroiwa
- Initiative for the Creation of a Performance-based Design Method for Concrete Products
- By N. Hoshida, T. Yanagita and T. Kajiyama
- Concrete Construction Work that Achieved Improved Productivity and Advanced Quality Control by Using “Information Sharing System on Cloud for Ready-mixed Concrete” -Amagase Dam Redevelopment Tunnel Inflow Section Construction Work-
- By H. Takenaka, N. Yoshida, M. Mizuno and K. Yabe
- Me and Reinforced Earth
- By T. Kodaka
- Starting from Cramp Iron
- By T. Ohkubo