Initiative for the Creation of a Performance-based Design Method for Concrete Products
By N. Hoshida, T. Yanagita and T. Kajiyama
Concrete Journal, Vol.58, No.6, Jun. 2020
- Synopsis
- For many years, concrete products have been designed by using the allowable stress design method. However, owing to the revision of the Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures to reflect performance-based design, the design method of concrete structures has changed to the limit state design method. Against this backdrop, concrete products with thin sections require a design method that takes into account the cross-sectional characteristics of the product due to the issue of the scope of application of the flexural crack strength calculation formula in the aforementioned Standard Specifications as well as issues related to the application of durability design. This paper describes an initiative to develop a performance-based design method for concrete products within this context.
- Keywords:
- Concrete product, Performance-based design, Performance requirements, Flexural crack strength, Durability design