CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.55, No.7, Jul. 2017
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.622)
- What is the Correctness?
- By T. Kasai
- Outline of "Guidelines for Waterproofing System for Bridge Decks 2016" of Japan Society of Civil Engineers
- By T. Matsui, K. Ohta, I. Tanikura and K. Shito
- Characteristics of Concrete Using Coral Aggregate after Long Term Exposure to Tropical Environment
- By T. Yamaji
- Integral Bridge with Geosynthetic -Reinforced Soil
- By K. Yamasaki
- Construction of Large Section Tunnel Lining by Self-compacting Concrete
- By T. Kato, N. Kurokawa, D. Deguchi and K. Sakurai
- RC continue enduring forever it by force even if it is form.
- By C. Maeoka
- Whisky on the Rocks
- By M. Kuroda