CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.51, No.7, Jul. 2013
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.574)
- Cost Minimization for Periodic Maintenance
- By T. Ohno
- Revision of Recommendations for Practice of Concrete with Blast Furnace Slag Fine Aggregate
- By M. Abe, T. Mano and T. Kage
- JIS A 5011-1 (Slag Aggregate for Concrete - Part 1: Blast Furnace Slag Aggregate) Summary of Revisions
- By R. Yamanaka
- Discussion on Minimum Slump at Concrete Placement and on Quality Classification of Ready Mixed Concrete
- By T. Yoshikane, H. Takada and S. Hatanaka
- Construction Optimization of the High-rise Base-isolated Housing -The New Construction of C1 Block in Harumi 2-chome-
- By S. Kato
- Construction of Artificial Mound for Upwelling Generation Constituted of Fly-ash Mortar Blocks
- By K. Honda, Y. Asami, T. Izutsu and H. Kagimoto
- Application of the Concrete in Consideration of Environment to the Architectural Building
- By Y. Morita, Y. Asaoka, T. Kobayashi and K. Ichise
- Huge Earthquake which Attacked Individualized Society
- By M. Motosaka
- A Japanese Engineer Heading for Silk Road
- By Y. Ogihara