Japan Concrete Institute(JCI No.381)
- Concept of Ken-Materials-Interigent Materials for Concrete Structures
- By H.Yanagita
- The Grapping with Prestressed Concrete Bridges of the Second Tomei and Meishin Expressway
- By Y.Suzuki,K.Mizuguchi,N.Suzuki,T.Nagai
- The Present State of Tunnel Technique for the Second Tomei and Meishin Expressway
- By T.Kobayashi
- Construction of High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Building by Use of High-Strength
Concrete with Design Strength of 600kgf/cm2 - By T.Shinozaki,Y.Terai,U.Ono,M.Aoki
- Construction of Closure Joint in Osaka-Nanko Immersed Tube Tunnel
- By K.Umeyama,T.Ueno,K.Koizumi,I.Yoshii
- The Cut and Removal of the Existing Girders and Then the Erection of New Girders with Closing Traffic During 13 Nights
- By Y.Watanabe,Y.Eguchi,S.Kikuchi,M.Tashiro