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Guidelines and Standards
Price:JPY 8,000(+Postage)
Educational Books
Price:JPY 5,000(+Postage)
Committee Reports
This technical report is a result of a 3-year work by the technical committee on continuous fiber reinforced concrete (JCI TC952) which was set up to collect information on the current technical developments of CFR in Japan. The report, first published in Japanese in July 1998, comprises (i) the current state of continuous fiber sheets in terms of commercial products, design guidelines and field applications, (ii) the survey results on the specifications and the test methods on continuous fiber reinforcing materials, and (iii) the assessment technique newly developed for continuous fiber reinforced concrete structures. This report is the first ever publication in English to provide readers with the most comprehensive and latest information on CFR activities in Japan. Retrofit by CFR SheetsConstruction methods, characteristics, materials, past and present researches, evaluation methods, points to note in design, field applications, etc. Test Method Life Cycle Assessment
Conference Proceedings
Price:JPY 20,000 (+Postage)
Price:JPY 20,000(+Postage)
Price:JPY 5,000 (+Postage)
The conference is held for stduies or applications on construction materials wildly. Price:JPY 17,143 (+Postage)
Price:JPY 20,000 (+Postage)
Price:JPY 11,430 (+Postage)
Price:JPY 8,000 (+Postage)
The two volumes of these FRPRCS-3 proceedings include the latest information on the development and applications of FRP in various parts of the world delivered as keynote lectures, "State-of-the-art report on retrofitting and strengthening by continuous fiber" and Design concepts and procedures for continuous fiber reinforced concrete" and 160 contributed papers.The proceedings offer the most recent research results and findings of academics, researchers and practitioners from 20 countries. The proceedings provide readers with a clearer and broader perspective on the use of FRP as reinforcement in concrete structures. Material properties and its testing methods
Price:JPY 2,000
Price:JPY 8,500
Price:JPY 5,000
JCI Transactions is the annual publication in English by the Japan Concrete Institute. This publication is intended to serve as a means to let people outside Japan know about Japan's research activities in the field of concrete technology. Each issue consists of the translated versions of some 60-70 out of the total 400+ papers published in the JCI Annual Conference Proceedings and Concrete Research and Technology. Volume 22 which was published in June 2000 covers topics ranging from design of structures to construction practice. The Transactions provides readers with a broad view of the research activities and at the same time links to particular researches of interest through the references cited in the papers. Fresh concrete
Price:JPY 3,000