CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.58, No.9, Sep. 2020
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.660)
- Use of the Online System for JCI Activities
- By H. Sugiyama
Special Issue: Contribution of the Concrete to Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Measures
- Introduction
- 1.1 Policy of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation for Building National Resilience
- By S. Fujii
- 1.2 How the Concrete Buildings have overcome Several Disasters
- By F. Watanabe and H. Kimura
- 1.3 Progress of Seismic Design of Bridges and Future Direction - 25 Years since the 1995 Kobe Earthquake
- By K. Kawashima
- Current Situation of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Measures
- 2.1 Current Status and Future of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Measures at Ports -From the Viewpoint of Design Technology for Earthquake-Resistant Quays and Front-Line Breakwaters-
- By M. Miyata
- 2.2 Earthquake Countermeasures for Railway Structures
- By T. Ishibashi
- 2.3 Disaster Recovery Efforts and Seismic Reinforcing Structure Project on NEXCO-West
- By Y. Wada
- 2.4 Countermeasures for Disaster Prevention/Reduction of Buildings Due to Tsunami, Falling of Ceiling and Long-Period Earthquake Ground Motion Based on the Damages Caused by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
- By H. Fukuyama
- 2.5 Countermeasures for Post-earthquake Functionality and Safety of Buildings Based on the Damages Caused by Recent Heavy Rains and Earthquakes
- By M. Sakashita
- 2.6 Resilience of RC Buildings
- By Y. Ishikawa
- 2.7 Characteristics and Issues on Flood Disaster due to Recent Heavy Rainfalls
- By Y. Nihei
- 2.8 Life Extension and Upgrading of Concrete Dams
- By M. Kondo and H. Sato
- 2.9 Underground Flow Preparation of Neya River Basin
- By T. Sasaki, D. Ando and Y. Okuno
- 2.10 A Case of Ready-mixed Concrete Supply that Contributed to the Reconstruction of the Affected Area on a Remote Island
- By S. Takahashi, T. Takano, T. Watanabe and Y. Mashima
- Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Control Technology
- 3.1 Tsunami and Storm Surge Protection Facilities Flap-Gate Type Breakwaters
- By S. Mizutani, Y. Yamakawa and T. Sato
- 3.2 A Tsunami Shelter as an Underground Evacuation Facility
- By T. Takane, M. Kurata and S. Ohtake
- 3.3 Numerical Analysis Study on Impact Behavior of Tsunami Flotsam
- By H. Obi
- 3.4 Dead Weight Compensation and Collapse Direction Control Methods for Improving Anti-Catastrophe Performance of a Railway Viaduct
- By A. Toyooka and Y. Murono
- 3.5 Reinforcement Method of 3-Hinged Precast Arch Culvert Using Carbon Fiber Sheets
- By H. Kusaka and M. Nakazawa
- 3.6 Structural Health Monitoring for Building Structures
- By K. Kusunoki
- 3.7 Seismic Performance Evaluation Technologies for Concrete Dams
- By H. Sato and M. Kondo
- 3.8 Application of Concrete Technology for the Treatment/Disposal of Contaminated Wastes Generated by Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
- By K. Yamada and M. Osako