CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.55, No.5, May 2017
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.620)
- Which do you prefer, Concrete Structures and Timber Structures ?
- By H. Sakata
Special Issue : Global Perspective -Active Engineer and Technology Development in the World-
- Introduction
- Overseas and Japan Affairs
- 1. Overseas Study
- 1. 1 PhD Study at TU Freiberg, Germany
- By K. Takahashi
- 1. 2 Research Stay in Germany with a Research Fellowship Granted from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- By K. Onoue
- 1. 3 Development of Upgrading Method for Existing Structures Using UHPFRC in Switzerland
- By T. Makita
- 1. 4 The Importance of Objectivity -Through the Research on Recycled Aggregate Concrete in University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign-
- By A. Teramoto
- 1. 5 Go Abroad to Get Something
- By T. Fukuyama
- 1. 6 Experience of Short Visit to Indonesia
- By K. Yamashita
- 2. Overseas Design and Construction
- 2. 1 Concrete Production and Casting in the Overseas Civil Projects -The Issues Experienced by Japan ODA Infrastructure Projects in Vietnam-
- By H. Yamaji
- 2. 2 Application of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (=SFRC) Segment in Singapore MRT Project
- By T. Araki and S. Iwasaki
- 2. 3 The Transition of Concrete Bridge Type in Indonesia Since 1980
- By M. Bessho and N. Tanaka
- 2. 4 Design of RCC and Construction Example for RCC Dam at Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project
- By T. Tabuchi, Y. Murakami, M. Asakawa and Y. Aosaka
- 2. 5 Large Scale Industrial Floor Slab Construction Example in Thailand
- By T. Kanda, Y. Narutaki H. Momose and K. Ishizeki
- 2. 6 The Condition of Ready-Mixed Concrete in Vietnam -Technological Development in a Decade
- By A. Matsui
- 3. Overseas Technical Cooperation
- 3. 1 Present Status and Issues of Cooperation for Infrastructure Development in Developing Countries
- By A. Nakamura
- 3. 2 Overseas Sales Promotion of International Standard Cements and Providing Technical Services to Support Conformity with Local Concrete Standards
- By K. Tada, Y. Mitani and S. Tanaka
- 3. 3 Japan's Cooperation with Democratic Republic of the Congo in the Sector of Transport Infrastructure Development
- By A. Shimada
- 3. 4 Circumstance of Bridges and Maintenance Activities in Developing Country
- By M. Watanabe and Y. Mizota
- 3. 5 Assignments of JICA Road Administration Advisor in Central Asia
- By T. Tanaka
- 3. 6 Mini-hydropower Development Project in North End of Lao PDR
- By J. Tamakawa, LE Phuong Tung, S. Shiraiwa and M. Ohya
- 4. Overseas Technical Development
- 4. 1 Problems on the Transference of Japanese Technology to Foreign Countries
- By Y. Nakajima
- 4. 2 Infrastructure Inspection Technology Overseas and Human Resource Development
- By M. Matsumoto
- 4. 3 An Experience of Design of Railway Viaducts in Asia
- By N. Matsumoto
- 4. 4 Rationalized Construction Technique of R/C Columns in Overseas Construction
- By K. Kanemoto
- 5. Overseas Research
- 5. 1 Experimental Study on Effective Utilization of Concrete with High Volume Supplementary Cementitious Materials in Asian Region
- By N. Tsuchiya, T. Koyama, C. Kiyohara and T. Kage
- 5. 2 Investigation of Standards and Construction Examples for Effective Use of Concrete Containing High Volume Supplementary Cementitious Materials
- By E. Nakamura, Y. Dan, H. Watanabe and T. Noguchi
- 5. 3 A Survey Report on Female Manpower of Construction Industry in Republic of the Union of Myanmar and Japan
- By K. Hama
- 5. 4 Performance Evaluation of High-speed Railway Bridge Based on Deck Acceleration
- By K. Matsuoka