CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.54, No.5, May 2016
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.608)
- Changes in the Job Market of Student
- By T. Ohkubo
Special Issue : Concrete Technology in the Heisei Era (since 1989)
- Technology Related to Structures
- 1. 1 Civil Engineering Structures
- 1. 1. 1 Birth, Development and Future of Extradosed Bridges
- By A. Kasuga
- 1. 1. 2 The Development of PC Bridges with Corrugated Steel Webs
- By K. Aoki
- 1. 1. 3 Technical Features of Railway PC Extradosed Bridges
- By M. Sogabe, S. Tamai and K. Goto
- 1. 1. 4 Seismic Retrofitting Methods for Railway RC Viaduct Columns in a Constrained Environment
- By Y. Saitou and T. Osato
- 1. 1. 5 Mechanical Fixing Rebar
- By T. Ishibashi
- 1. 2 Buildings
- 1. 2. 1 Post New RC (Ultra-High Strength Reinforced Concrete Structure)
- By Y. Ishikawa
- 1. 2. 2 Research and Construction on Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Column System
- By T. Fukumoto
- 1. 2. 3 Changes and Development of Concrete Technologies Adopted for Office Buildings
- By T. Komuro
- 1. 2. 4 High-Speed Construction Methods with Precast Concrete Technique
- By Y. Masuda, N. Fujiu and K. Sugimoto
- 1. 2. 5 New Seismic Strengthening Technique
- By T. Kei
- 1. 2. 6 Plate Anchorage and Mechanical Joint of Main Bars in R/C Members
- By M. Maruta
- Technology Related to Materials and Constructions
- 2. 1 Cement and Chemical Admixtures
- 2. 1. 1 Ecocement -An Innovative Technology that Contributes to Establishing a Sustainable and Recycling-Based Society-
- By S. Tanaka, H. Hirao and S. Hoshino
- 2. 1. 2 Low Heat Belite Portland Cement: Looking Back and Looking Forward
- By T. Nawa
- 2. 1. 3 Change of Chemical Admixtures for Concrete (JIS A 6204)-Technological Progress of Various Admixtures in Heisei-
- By K. Saito, T. Tsuchitani and T. Morimoto
- 2. 2 Civil Engineering Structures
- 2. 2. 1 Ultra-High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UFC/UHPFRC)
- By Y. Uchida
- 2. 2. 2 Development of Semi-self-compacting Concrete to Overcome Problems in Tunnel Lining Works
- By M. Mizuno
- 2. 2. 3 Concrete Mixed with Seawater
- By N. Takeda and N. Otsuki
- 2. 2. 4 High Durability Concrete Densified by Carbonation Curing
- By K. Yokozeki, K. Watanabe, T. Torichigai and K. Seki
- 2. 2. 5 Method for Mitigating Friction between Solid Particles in Fresh Mortar for Economical Self-compacting Concrete with Higher Aggregate Volume Since 1989
- By M. Ouchi
- 2. 2. 6 Porous Concrete
- By T. Okamoto and S. Naka
- 2. 2. 7 Application of Fly Ash into High-Strength Shotcrete
- By Y. Akiyama, A. Nakamura, M. Satou and T. Sakurai
- 2. 3 Buildings
- 2. 3. 1 Ultra-high-strength Concrete
- By M. Kojima
- 2. 3. 2 Technological Development of Concrete for Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structures
- By K. Yoda and J. Jeon
- 2. 3. 3 High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite
- By T. Kanda, N. Sakata, D. Hayashi and M. Hashimoto
- 2. 3. 4 Ultra-low Drying Shrinkage Concrete
- By M. Tsujino
- 2. 3. 5 The Low Carbon Concrete Considered in the Environment
- By T. Kobayashi
- Looking Back Over the Past and Predicting the Future of the Heisei Era
- 3. 1 Past and Future of Maintenance/Management "Taking Infrastructure for Example"
- By I. Iwaki
- 3. 2 Progresses of Concrete Technology in the Heisei Era and Future Prospects
- By A. Hosoda
- 3. 3 Looking Back and Ahead on the Era of Heisei
- By M. Kanematsu
- 3. 4 Reinforced Concrete Buildings in the Era of HEISEI, and the Future
- By K. Sugimoto