CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.53, No.1, Jan. 2015
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.592)
Special Issue:Concrete Contributing to Reconstruction and Tokyo Olympics 2020
- Happy New Year 201
- By H. Mihashi
- <<Special Contribution>>
Various Issues and Initiatives on Administration of Infrastructure and Transport Development
- By A. Ohta
- Overviews
- 1. 1 Concrete Technologies Expected in the Field of Civil Engineering
- By K. Sakata
- 1. 2 Concrete as an Essential Material for Disaster Prevention, Restoration and Urban Development
- By F. Tomosawa
- Cutting edge of Reconstruction
- 2. 1 Project on Revival Road and Reconstruction Assistance Road
- By K. Satou
- 2. 2 Strategies to Accelerate the Full-opening of Joban Expressway
- By T. Takahashi
- 2. 3 Restoration of Tsunami-hit Coast Sections
- By Y. Kumamoto
- 2. 4 Embankment Construction for Residential Development in Rikuzen Takata City Center
- By T. Nakamuta, S. Yamamoto and S. Urabe
- 2. 5 Reconstruction Planning Support in Miyagi Prefecture by Academics
- By M. Ubaura
- 2. 6 Efforts toward Revitalization in Fukushima Prefecture
- By H. Matsumoto
- 2. 7 Efforts by Reconstruction Agency to Rebuild Housing and Cities
- By T. Inoue
- 2. 8 Contribution for Project of the Ministry of Environment from Cement & Concrete Technologies: Decontamination and Treatment/Disposal of Wastes Contaminated by Radionuclides
- By K. Yamada and M. Osako
- 2. 9 Efforts by Urban Renaissance Agency on the Disaster Recovery Support of Great East Japan Earthquake
- By M. Kumagai
- 2. 10 The Commitment to Reconstruction in the Ready-mixed Concrete Industry in the Tohoku Region
- By Y. Hakamada
- 2. 11 Quality Attainment in "Revival Road" and Human Resources Development
- By A. Hosoda
- 2. 12 Effective Utilization of Disaster Waste
- By M. Hisada
- Preparation for Tokyo 2020
- 3. 1 Advancements in Architectural Science as Considered through the Jingu Gaien National Gymnasiums
- By S. Toyokawa
- 3. 2 Construction of Tokyo Olympic Games Institution in 1964 and its Subsequent History
- By Y. Tsumura
- 3. 3 Structural Resilience -Keyword for Disaster Mitigation-
- By R. Fukuda
- Issues and Perspectives for Achieving Balance between Reconstruction and Olympics
- 4. 1 Role of the Cement Industry
- By H. Kondou
- 4. 2 Correspondence to the Tokyo Olympic Games Institution Construction
- By T. Ito
- 4. 3 Initiatives of Construction Industry
- By H. Hashida
- Vision for Post-Olympics
- 5. 1 For the Sustainable Japanese Construction Industry
- By A. Kasuga
- 5. 2 Affinity of Population Decline Society and Infrastructure Maintenance
- By Y. Kato
- 5. 3 Adaptable Architectures and Buildings against Depopulation Society in the Future
- By T. Nishiwaki
- 5. 4 Role of Academic Society for the Post 2020
- By K. Nagai
- 5. 5 A Survey for University Students about the Future of Construction and Concrete Industries
- By K. Kobayashi