CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.52, No.11, Nov. 2014
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.590)
- Reliance
- By Y. Ito
- Publication of "Design Standard for Composite Structures" by the Architectural Institute of Japan
- By T. Fukumoto, A. Kawano and H. Suzuki
- Revision of AIJ Standard for Structural Calculation of Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures
- By J. Sakai, T. Fukumoto, R. Shohara and K. Sadasue
- Containment of Radioactive Materials and Safe Use of Concrete Materials
- By Y. Kitsutaka, K. Imamoto, K. Nakarai, K. Yamada and S. Miyazato
- Evaluation of Bending Crack Width Calculation Formulas for Rectangular Cross-Section Reinforced Concrete Beams
- By K. Suhara, Y. Tsuji, R. Yoshino and Y. Okamura
- Surface Quality Improvement Technology that Reflects Experience with Surface Quality Assessment Methods for Concrete Structures Based on Visual Inspection and Survey Findings
- By N. Sakata, K. Watanabe and A. Hosoda
- Railway Tunnel Crossing the Bosphorus Strait to Connect Asia and Europe -Structures Provided the Strength, Durability and Waterproofness of 100 Year Service Life-
- By T. Yamamoto, K. Yokota, T. Koyanagi and Y. Shimizu
- Report of Seismic Retrofitting Construction Using Joint Element with High Shear Strength and Shear Stiffness -Seismic Retrofitting of Old Nagaoka City hall-
- By K. Yoshimizu, T. Maruyama and T. Abe
- Miscellaneous Thoughts on Concrete
- By H. Kazama
- Collaboration Will Make Benefits
- By A. Miyamoto