CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.50, No.1, Jan. 2012
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.556)
Special Issue: The Great East Japan Earthquake and its Disaster -Contribution of Concrete-
- Strengthen the 'Kizuna' between ACI and JCI in Next 50 Years
- By Y. Masuda
- Reports from the Disaster Area
- 1. 1 Outline of Damage by Tohoku-Chiho Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake(Buildings)
- By H. Hiraishi
- 1. 2 The Tohoku Area and Pacific Offing Earthquake -Investigation into Damage to Civil Engineering Structures-
- By H. Mutsuyoshi, M. Okano, I. Iwaki and H. Naito
- 1. 3 Characteristics of Ground Motions and Strong Motion Data of Buildings
- By T. Kashima
- 1. 4 Tsunami Disaster due to the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake
- By T. Arikawa
- 1. 5 Damage to Port Facilities during the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
- By T. Sugano
- Damage and Recovery
- 2. 1 As a "Victim" of the Great East Japan Earthquake
- By T. Nishiwaki
- 2. 2 Some Lessons from the Experiences in the Great East Japan Earthquake
- By H. Minagawa
- 2. 3 The Great East Japan Earthquake (11 March 2011) and the Highway Recovery by Sendai Office of River and National Highway
- By E. Okuyama
- 2. 4 The Great East Japan Earthquake: Damage and Restoration on Expressway
- By M. Kishida
- 2. 5 Damage and Restoration of Tohoku Shinkansen
- By M. Ohba, K. Hakomori, N. Kobayashi and K. Sugita
- 2. 6 The Port of Disaster and Recovery
- By S. Kanbara
- 2. 7 Damage and Restoration of Ready-Mixed Concrete Factory
- By H. Tsugane
- 2. 8 Damage and Restoration of Ready Mixed Concrete Factory in Miyagi Prefecture
- By T. Takano
- 2. 9 Emergency Repair of Route 6 after the Earthquake in Unclear Restricted Area
- By T. Aihara
- 2. 10 Restoring of Miyagi Baseball Stadium(Phase 1) -From March 11, 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake until First Host Game of Rakuten Eagles at Miyagi Stadium on April 29, 2011
- By S. Kawaragi, M. Miyamoto, S. Konno and K. Ito
- Hope for the Reconstruction
- 3. 1 A Realistic Perspective of Architectural Engineering from the Front Lines
- By H. Kobayashi
- 3. 2 Toward the Renaissance of New Tohoku-Iwate
- By S. Hanehara
- 3. 3 Damage of Reinforced Concrete Buildings by Tsunami and Study for Tsunami Evacuation Buildings
- By H. Kato
- 3. 4 Iwate Prefecture Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Reconstruction Plan Basic Reconstruction Plan -To Protect Life, To Live Together with the Sea and Land, and to Create a Homeland Iwate and Sanriku-
- By T. Terui and M. Goto
- 3. 5 Recovery from Seismic Damage and Approach to Treatment of Disaster Wastes in Ofunato Plant
- By T. Kawabe
- 3. 6 Recovery of Cement Production and Supply
- By Y. Koga
- Preparation for Coming Earthquake
- 4. 1 Roles of Building Engineering in Response to Growing Natural Disasters
- By M. Nakashima and K. Hoki
- 4. 2 Preventive Measurement of Structure against Tsunami
- By K. Kosa
- 4. 3 Preparation for Earthquake in Railways
- By S. Nozawa, M. Kobayashi, T. Imai and M. Tomori
- 4. 4 Liquefaction Countermeasure Method
- By T. Onishi and H. Yoshitomi
- 4. 5 Earthquake Early Warning of Japan Meteorological Agency
- By H. Takahashi
- Activities of JCI
- 5. 1 Activities and Responsibility of Japan Concrete Institute for the Great East Japan Earthquake
- By Y. Masuda
- 5. 2 Activity Report from JCI Tohoku Branch
- By M. Hisada
- 5. 3 Establishment of JCI Special Technical Committee on the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster and its Activity Plan
- By H. Mihashi, S. Sogo, K. Maruyama and Y. Kitsutaka