CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.48, No.9, Sep. 2010
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.540)
Special Issue : Aiming at Reducing CO2 Emissions
- Succession of Technology
- By H. Hanno
- Over view
- 1. Where does Anthropogenic CO2 go?
- By S. Aoki
- 2. Current state of CO2 Emission in Concrete Sector and its Reduction Strategy
- By K. Sakai
- 3. Macro and Micro Point of View in Low Carbonization of Buildings
- By S. Murakami
- Details
- Strategies in Planning and Design
- 1. 1 Reduction of CO2 by Long-term Use Building and Housing
- By T. Kage
- 1. 2 Development of Environmental Life Cycle Assessment Technology for Infrastructure
- By S. Sone
- 1. 3 Evaluation of Thermal Environment and LCCO2 by Urban Heat Island Countermeasures
- By K. Yamaguchi
- 1. 4 Making to Long Life and Effect of CO2 Reduction of Super Quality Concrete Structure
- By F. Sato, K. Yamamoto, T. Watanabe and S. Ushijima
- 1. 5 Reduction Method of CO2 Emission using Concrete with Carbonation Curing
- By T. Torichigai, K. Yokozeki, M. Morioka and K. Yamamoto
- 1. 6 The Reduction of Environmental Impacts by Application of High-Performance Materials to Bridges
- By H. Sakai
- 1. 7 LCCO2 of Pavement
- By K. Kawai
- Approach in Material Manufacturing
- 2. 1 Approach of the CO2 Emission Reduction in Cement Industry of Japan
- By T. Hosoya
- 2. 2 Environmental Load Reduction Activities by the Utilization of Fly-ash
- By T. Kanazu, M. Nakai and T. Saito
- 2. 3 CO2 Reduction Using Portland Blast-furnace Slag Cement
- By K. Nobata
- 2. 4 Effect of Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag on CO2 Reduction of Concrete
- By Y. Nagao
- 2. 5 Role of Chemical Admixtures from the Viewpoint of CO2 Reduction
- By H. Imoto and T. Nishimura
- 2. 6 Energy · CO2 Minimum(ECM)Cement · Concrete System
- By T. Yonezawa, E. Sakai, K. Koibuchi, M. Kinoshita and H. Kamano
- Actions in Construction Works
- 3. 1 Approaches to Environmental Reduction in the Ready-Mixed Concrete Plant
- By T. Katori
- 3. 2 Trial Calculation of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Concrete Plant and make a Proposal of Cut Down
- By M. Furuta and M. Kawahara
- 3. 3 Aiming at a Reduction and Effective use for the Remained Concrete
- By S. Sogo, Y. Nakata, A. Koyama and S. Miyazato
- 3. 4 Utilization of Sludge Water and Consideration to the Environment
- By T. Iwanaga
- 3. 5 Visualization of CO2 Emission during Prestressed Concrete Bridge Execution
- By M. Tezuka, T. Kajiwara, K. Saito and K. Kawai
- 3. 6 Utilization of Recycled Materials for Precast Concrete Products
- By M. Kitatsuji and A. Fujiki
- 3. 7 Outside Insulation Precast Concrete Method that realizes Human and Earth Friendly External Wall
- By M. Takeuchi
- 3. 8 Approach of CO2 Decrease in Manufacturing Precast Concrete
- By H. Karasawa
- Contribution in Practical Use
- 4. 1 Eco-repair Work Case in Kitanagoya Municipal Nishiharu Junior High School
- By N. Kawarada and K. Takagi
- 4. 2 Evaluation Method for Highly Reflective Paints and their Effects
- By M. Tamura and K. Motohashi
- 4. 3 The Technology of Re-vegetation with Cement-blended Wood Chip
- By H. Sugimoto, K. Morita, K. Sogo and H. Yamada
- Efforts in Deconstruction and Disposal
- 5. 1 Approach to Waste Reduction and Problems of Concrete Recycling
- By A. Koyama
- 5. 2 Toward the Carbon Neutral Systemization of Recycle Concrete
- By M. Tamura
- 5. 3 Development of 8t Class Hybrid Shovel
- By K. Nishimura