CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.46, No.1, Jan. 2008
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.508)
Special Issue : Concrete Techniques Used in Supporting Urban Functions
- Heading into a New Year: Our Duties in JCI
- By F. Tomosawa
- Various Measures for Supporting Urban Functions
- 1.1 The Early Restoration of Railroad Structures at a Strong Earthquake
- By T. Ishibashi
- 1.2 The Earthquake Disaster Preventation for Expressways
- By H. Yogai
- 1.3 Earthquake Disaster Resiliency of a Hospital Building due to the 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake
- By T. Mukai, H. Fukuyama, J. Fukushima and T. Tokita
- 1.4 DCP (District Continuity Plan) as our Town, Tokyo Marunouchi
- By M. Mizuguchi
- Techniques for Inspection and Diagnosis of Soundness in Supporting Urban Function
- 2.1 Testing Methods for Deterioration and Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structure
- By N. Yuasa
- 2.2 Inspection Systems Supporting the Reliability of the Metropolitan Expressway
- By M. Shimonishi, T. Kuwano and J. Sakurai
- 2.3 Integrity Evaluation Method for Railway Bridge Substructures with Impact Vibration Test
- By H. Haya
- 2.4 The Vibration Measurement Technology of the Bridge to have considered Environmental Improvement
- By Y. Sanuki
- Techniques for Repair and Reinforcement of Structures in Supporting Urban Function
- 3.1 Repair and Reinforcement of Structures While Maintaining Functions
- 3.1.1 Techniques for Repair and Reinforcement of Public Works
- (1) Repair and Maintenance Technology contributing to the Operation Continuity of Harbor Concrete Facilities
- By T. Habuchi
- (2) Repair and Strengthening Method with Sprayed Mortar for Concrete Structures of Expressway Bridges
- By K. Yokoyama
- (3) Example of Countermeasures against ASR Damaged Reinforced Concrete Piers
- By K. Ishii, Y. Okuda, S. Wasada and K. Torii
- 3.1.2 Techniques for Repair and Reinforcement of Buildings
- (1) The Present Conditions and Problems of the Seismic Retrofitting with the Residents in the Building
- By H. Suzuki, H. Akishige, T. Ohta and S. Tago
- (2) External Frame Aseismic Strengthening System using Precast Concrete Member
- By H. Watanabe, S. Toriyabe, N. Ohi and T. Ishii
- (3) Technical Introduction of an External Seismic Retrofit using Diagonal PC Cable-Parallel Frame System-
- By T. Sekiguchi, T. Araki, K. Tanaka and N. Hayashida
- (4) Seismic Retrofit of Kyoto University Clock Tower using Base-isolation Techniques
- By M. Morohoshi
- 3.2 Techniques for Repair and Reinforcement that may be done in a Short
- Time Patching of Subway Structure using Wet-spraying Method
- By T. Hirata, H. Narita, K. Hayakawa and S. Aoki
- 3.3 Techniques for Repair and Reinforcement that are Environmentally Friendly
- 3.3.1 Anti-seismic Retrofitting Construction Method without Resident Evacuation-Added Shear Walls using Coarse Aggregate Cotter and Expansive Concrete-
- By T. Kanda, M. Maruta, Y. Morishima and H. Maesaka
- 3.3.2 Ground Improvement Construction while Continuing Normal Driiving of Control Machineries in Adjacent Building
- By K. Funamoto
- 3.4 Techniques for Repair and Reinforcement in Situations of Great Restraints on Construction Circumstances
- Study on Renewal Works Exterior of High Rise Building
- By K. Nagai
- Techniques for Demolition and Re-Construction in Supporting Urban Functions
- 4.1 Techniques for Demolition and Re-Construction that may be done in a Short Time
- 4.1.1 Techniques for Demolition and Re-construction of Public Works
- (1) Experience of Existing Motorway Bridge Rebuilt within a Night-Removing and Rebuilding Works of the Sannomiya Bridge on Tomei Motorway in 1994-
- By R. Kubo
- (2) The Implosion of the Reinforced Concrete
- By K. Hatakeyama
- 4.1.2 Techniques for Demolition and Re-Construction of Bridges
- (1) Development of De-construction Design System
- By A. Koyama and M. Kikuchi
- (2) Various Types of the Destruction Technologies
- By K. Suzuki
- (3) The Current Situation and Issues of Reconstuction reused with existing Underground Structure
- By M. Okahashi, T. Iwashimizu, T. Kawano and Y. Shimano
- 4.2 Techniques of Demolition and Re-Construction that are Environmentally Friendly
- System to Remove and Collect Dry Sprayed Asbestos
- By N. Mori, K. Nagase, K. Kuboki and Y. Ohyama