CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.39, No.9, Sep. 2001
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.432)
Special Issue: Experiments on Concrete Structures
- Promotion of Living in a High-Rise Apartment House
- By K. Fukuzawa
- Importance of Experiments in Concrete Engineering
- 1.1 Overview of Experiments on Concrete Structures
- 1.1.1 Building Structures-Experiments for Reinforced Concrete Buildings
- By K. Minami
- 1.1.2 Civil Structures-Experiments and Analyses in Concrete Engineering-
- By K. Maruyama
- 1.2 Relationships between Experiments and Practice
- 1.2.1 Building Structures
- By S. Sugano
- 1.2.2 Civil Structures
- By T. Simomura
- 1.3 Relationships between Experiments and Analyses
- 1.3.1 Building Structures
- By H. Noguchi
- 1.3.2 Civil Structures
- By J. Niwa
- 1.4 Relationships between Experiments and Education
- 1.4.1 Building Structures-My Trial and Error-
- By T. Ichinose
- 1.4.2 Civil Structures
- By H. Mutsuyoshi
- Experiments on Building Structures
- 2.1 Static Experiments against Seismic Loads
- 2.1.1 Experiments on Structural Members
- By Y. Matsuzaki
- 2.1.2 xperiments on Frames
- By Y. Nishimura
- 2.2 Dynamic Experiments against Seismic Loads
- By H. Katsumata and H. Kuramoto
- 2.3 Pseudo Dynamic Test against Seismic Loads
- By H. Kato
- 2.4 xperiments against Long-Term Loading-Creep and Drying Shrinkage Effects in Concrete Structures-
- By Y. Sato
- 2.5 xperiments against Loads
- By Y. Kasai
- Experiments on Civil Structures
- 3.1 Experiments on Bridges
- By K. Kawashima
- 3.2 Experiments on Pavements
- By Y. Hachiya and S. Kameta
- 3.3 Experiments on Tunnel
- By A. Koizumi
- 3.4 Experiments on Rail Way Structures
- By K. Kobayashi
- 3.5 Experimental on Port and Harbor Concrete Structures
- By H. Yokota
- 3.6 Experiments on In-Ground Structures-Measurement of Loads and Displacements RC Box Culvert
- By T. Suehiro, T. Kanatsu, K. Ohtomo and H. Fukumoto
- Experiments on Concrete Material
- 4.1 Non-Linear Behavior of Concrete
- 4.1.1 Experiments on Concrete Behavior under Compression, Tension, Flexure and Shear
- By T. Noguchi
- 4.1.2 Experiments on Stress-Strain Behavior under Multi-Axial Compression
- By S. Hatanaka
- 4.1.3 Experiments on Tensile Fructure
- By Y. Uchida
- 4.2 Bond and Anchorage of Reinforcement
- By H. Shima and T. Kanakubo
- Experiments to Estimate Loads Acting on Concrete Structures
- 5.1 Wind Tunnel Test
- By Y. Kubo
- 5.2 Hydraulic Model Test
- By K. Shimosaka