CONCRETE JOURNAL Vol.37, No.11, Nov. 1999
Japan Concrete Institute (JCI No.410)
- Does the Concrete Crisis Come Again?
- By H. Muguruma
- Properties of Concrete Using Accelerators for Freeze Protection.
- By Y. Hama, E. Kamada
- Properties of Concrete with Super-set Retarder.
- By T. Takeuchi, S. Nagataki
- A Seismic Strengthening Method for Existing R/C Buildings by Shear Walls Installed Precast Concrete Panel.
- By I. Minami, H. Takeyama, R. Horyo
- New Technique Producing Recycled Aggregate Concrete for Conservation of Resources and Energy.
- By M. Tsuji, T. Sawamoto
- On Precast Concrete.
- By Y. Hosaka
- Design and Construction of Chuou Ichigou Bridge in Seifu Sinto.
- By T. Morishita, K. Hirano, F. Nakamura
- What's Your Domicile of Origin?
- By S. Hamada