Japan Concrete Institute(JCI No.378)
- Special Issue:Recent Formwork for Concrete Structures
- General "Expection of Formwork in Reinforced Concrete Works"
- By T.Kemi
- Evolution of Formwork for Concrete Structures
- 2.1A Formwork of Civil Structeres
- By I.Aihara
- 2.2A Formwork of Building
- By H.Takada
- Formwork for Typical Concrete Structures
- 3.1Bridges
- By H.Ikeda, Y.Kutsuna
- 3.2Tunnel
- By M.Suenaga, S.Kitagawa, T.Kawai, M.Saito
- 3.3Dum
- By I.Nagayama, K.Watanabe
- 3.4LNG Underground Strage Tank
- By H.Yamashita
- 3.5Port & Harbour and Ocean Structures
- By S.Kobayashi, H.takahashi, T.Kondo, T.Hirabayashi
- 3.6Building
- By S.Rikitake
- 3.7Highrised Building
- By Y.Oshima
- 3.8Stadium
- By C.Hagiwara, M.Sugata
- 3.9Nuclear Power Plant
- By H.Morishita