Properties of Concrete Incorporating Ferronickel Slag as Coarse Aggregates
By Minoru Aba, Yuki Sakoi, Masami Shoya, Yoichi Tsukinaga and Shigeyoshi Nagataki
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.21, No.3, Sep 2010 (Issue 54)
- Synopsis:
- In this paper, three kinds of ferronickel slag coarse aggregates made by the different manufacturing process, was examined to confirm the physical and chemical characteristics. The fundamental properties of fresh concrete, the mechanical properties and the durability of hardened concrete incorporating slag as coarse aggregates were investigated. The combinational use of ferronickel slag fine aggregates and coarse aggregates was also studied. As the results, it was confirmed that the mixture proportion, the bleeding of concrete and the mechanical properties of hardened concrete were greatly affected by the characteristics of these slag aggregates. Frost susceptibility of concrete with ferronickel slag aggregate was improved by forming the adequate air void system, due to reducing the excessive bleeding of fresh concrete. From these result, it was judged that ferronickel slag coarse aggegates examined in the study were promising high quality aggregates for production of concrete.
- Keywords:
- Ferronickel Slag, Aggregate, Bleeding, Mechanical Properties, Drying Shrinkage, Freezing and Thawing Resistance