Materials and Proportion's Design of Self-compacting Mortar Used for Low Diffusion Layer in Sub-surface Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility in Japan
By Kazuhito Niwase, Naoyuki Sugihashi and Yukikazu Tsuji
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.21, No.3, Sep 2010 (Issue 54)
- Synopsis:
- This paper describes the design procedure for the material selection and mix proportion of the self-compacting mortar used for low diffusion layer cementitious material in the sub-surface radioactive waste disposal facility in Japan. The low diffusion layer is required for reducing transportation by controlling diffusion of a radionuclide. Therefore the low diffusion, cracks control, and low leaching are the important matters in the mix design. The process to select mortar mix design of the low diffusion layer is explained in detail. Of 33 kinds mix proportions used in laboratory comparative testing, the combinations of low heat portland cement, fly ash, lime powder and expansive addition was provisionally set to the mix proportion of the self-compacting mortar used for low diffusion layer.
- Keywords:
- Self-compacting mortar, low diffusion layer, cracks control, low leaching, radioactive waste disposal facilities