Study on Scaling Resistance of Steam-cured Concrete Using Blast-furnace Slag Cement Exposed to Chloride
By Ichiro Iwaki, Yasuhiro Koda, Akihisa Kamiharako and Hitoshi Morooka
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.21, No.3, Sep 2010 (Issue 54)
- Synopsis:
- This study aims at investigating the scaling resistance of steam-cured concrete using blast-furnace slag cement exposed to chloride, focusing on widespread application of precast concrete products. First, varying types of cement and curing methods, test of scaling based on RILEM-CDF is performed. SInce the results reveal that the scaling of steam-cured concrete using blast-furnace slag cement exposed to chloride is remarkably accelerated, the effect due to decreasing water-cementitious ratio on scaling resistance is researched. Further, the durability evaluation of concrete considering both scaring and chloride permeability associated with respective condition is performed.
- Keywords:
- Blast-furnace slag cement, Precast concrete products, Steam curing, Scaling, Water-cementitious ratio, Chloride permeability