Simplification of Test Method for Evaluating Scaling Resisrance of Concrete Exposed to Chloride Environment
By Yoshinori Gondai, Yoichi Tsukinaga, Masami Shoya and Minoru Aha
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.21, No.2, May 2010 (Issue 53)
- Synopsis:
- To evaluate the scaling resistance of concrete exposed to a chloride environment, the representative testing methods of ASTM C672 and RILEM CDF are frequently used. However, facilities for conducting such tests are limited, because of the necessity using costly large-scale equipment. In this study, a simple testing method for evaluating the scaling resistance of concrete, in which a commercial freezer and small speciments and used, was examined in comparison with the ASTM and RILEM testing methods. The behavior of scaling resistance and chloride ion penetration, as well as the change in strain due to freezing/thawing, was clarified by using this simple testing method. By comparing the experimental results obtained by the simple testing methods and the specification testing methods, the utility of the simple testing method was verified.
- Keywords:
- Scaling resistance, Freezing and thawing test, Simple method, Freezer, ASTM C672, RILEM CDF