Consideration of Deformation for Reinforced Concrete Structure Affected by Alkali-Silica Research
By Takeo Takakura, Hiroshi Shimizu, Yoshihiro Masuda and Naoki Matsumoto
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.20, No.3, Sep. 2009 (Issue 51)
- Synopsis:
- The transformation of concrete deformation characteristics and/or behavior affected by Alkali Silica Reaction, herein after ASR, has been reported and clarified by the specimen tests. The most report od research for the deform characteristics have been carried out by ASR accelerating test method due to the fact that deoformation of the shape of the structure affected by ASR was thought to expand according to the development of ASR in a long term. The assumption for expansion rate of plain concrete could be determined by measurement of the remaining expansion rate with ASR accelerating test method. However, most structures in reality are reinforced concrete and so far no reports of the deformation characteristics for in-services reinforced concrete structure with long term aging available though reinforced concrete deformation characteristics affected by ASR have yet to be determined.
The purpose oh this paper is the confirmation of shrinkage after expansion by recording the maximum value of expansion of a 25 years old in-servise reinforced concrete structure that was affected by ASR. In this regard, a numerical model of deformation of reinforced concrete affected by ASR due to the expansion was simulated, analyzed and the result was compared with the inspection record of the in-service structure. - Keywords:
- Alkali-Silica Reaction, Reinforced Concrete, Actual Structure, Aging Phenomena, Crrep, Deformation Characteristics