Deformation Capacity under Earthquake on Reinforced Concrete Column Reinforced by Inside Spiral Reinforcement
By Takahiro Kanno, Tadayoshi Ishibashi, Junichi Kino and Kaoru Koboyashi
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.20, No.2, May. 2009 (Issue 50)
- Synopsis:
- We usually design the reinforced concrete viaduct for railway so that the viaduct has hight deformation capacity to resist big earthquake. So we have stupid the reinforced cocnrete column reinforced by inside spiral reinforcement. But we have not stupid fully the deformation capacity of this column. So we stupid the deformation capacity and estimation method of this column by reversal cyclic loading test. In this paper, we mainly report on the deformation capacity and propose the estimation method of this column by the results of reversal cyclic loading test.
- Keywords:
- Deformation capacity, Seismic design, Inside spiral reinforcement, Reversal cyclic loading test, Reinforced concrete column