Expected Damage Evaluation based on EFM Method and Seismic Risk Assessment for Railway RC Viaducts
By Hiromichi Yoshikawa, Takeshi Ohtaki, Hisamichi Hattori, Akira Noguchi and Mikiya Okumura
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.20, No.1, Jan. 2009 (Issue 49)
- Synopsis:
- Seismic risk assessment was conducted in order to quantitatively evaluate damage and loss of a structure due to seismic actions. First of all, The analytical procedures of the proposed risk assessment system, which consists of five phase is shown. Among five Phases, calculation of vulnerability and damage function by means of FEM-method (Phase IV) and the seismic risk assessment (Phase V) are carefully studied. Then, simulations of the risk assessment for two types of reinforced concrete railway viaducts were carried out. The numerical results provided the fragility curves, the damage functions, the expected damage loss, and seismic risk curves which were quite acceptable in the light of engineering experiences. It should be noted that these calculated results reflect the differences in strength demand, directions of structures.
- Keywords:
- Reinforced concrete railway viaduct, Seismic risk assessment, EFM-method, Seismic fragility curve, Seismic damage function, Annual expected value of damage