The Effect of Chloride-induced Corrosion on Mechanical Properties of Reinforcing Bar
By Koichi Kobayashi and Shin'ichiro Matsuoka

Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.19, No.3, Sep. 2008 (Issue 48)

The mechanical properties of reinforcing bar is known to affect the ultimate state of reinforced concrete structures. This study investigates how chloride-induced corrosion of rebar affects its elongation characteristics. With a view to establishing a practical assessment method for residual performance of existing RC structures, this study has employed a method of estimating the strength and elongation characteristics of rebar using only a vernier caliper. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; Residual sectional area of corroded rebar can be estimated by measuring the residual diameter of rebar. Elongation capacity reduces to 20percent with the residual area of rebar being in a range of 70 to 80percent. The stress-strain relationship and failure strain of corroded rebar can be estimated based on the stress-strain relationship of sound rebar and the smallest sectional area of corroded rebar.
Chloride-induced corrosion, Reinforcing bar, Elongation, Strength of reinforcing bar, Stress-strain relationship

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