Proposal of Corrosion Rate Analytical Model of Reinforced Concrete with Crack
By Yusuke Hasegawa, Shinichi Miyazato, Toshinori Oyamoto and Kousuke Yokozeki

Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.17, No.1, Jan 2006 (Issue 40)

In the reinforced concrete with the crack, the corrosion rate becomes high because the macrocell is formed. This study proposed the analytical model, whose input data were the anodic and cathodic polarization curves, the polarization resistance and the concrete resistance, while output data were the macrocell and microcell corrosion rates. Also, the experiments using the mortar specimen with the different cracks, the humidity and the water cement ratios were carried out to verify the model. As the result, 1) the corrosion rate analytical model of the reinforced concrete with the crack was proposed. 2) It was confirmed that the model was appropriate by the experiment using the mortar specimen.
Chloride induced corrosion, Corrosion rate analytical model, Crack, Macrocell, Microcell, Polarization curve

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