Experimental Study on Seismic Behaviour of RC Member Deteriorated by Chloride Induced Corrosion
By Koichi Kobayashi
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.16, No.2, Mar 2005 (Issue 38)
- Synopsis:
- Chloride induced corrosion of reinforcing steel is a typical cause of deterioration of RC stucture. Tomaintain deteriorated RC structures properly, it is essential to determine the degree of deterioration accurately. In this study, the seismic performance, such as the strength and ductility, of RC beams deteriorated by chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcing steel are investigated by carrying out reversely cyclic loading tests. The results are summarized as follows: The accumulated dissipated energy of RC beam reduces with the progress of rebar corrosion, and the cracks in concrete caused by rebar corrosion decrease the seismic capacity of RC beam.
- Keywords:
- RC member, Chloride-induced corrosion, Reverse cyclic loading test, Sesmic performance, Accumulated dissipated energy