Experimental Study on Jointing Method of Re-bars Between Precast Block and Cast-in-Place Concrete
By Hotaka Niwa, Ichiro Kuroda, Nobuaki Furuya and Katsuei Okamura
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.15, No.2, Mar 2004 (Issue 35)
- Synopsis:
- This research intended to improve jointing method of re-bars between PCa (precast) block and cast-in-place concrete especially for large structure, and experiments were conducted against bending moment and shear force. Main target of the improvement was put on reduction of the extruding length of re-bars from PCa block to cast-in-place side in order to raise productivity of PCa blocks as well as easiness of transportation from a PCa factory to construction sites. ln our research, several new jointing methods other than the lapped joint were proposed and tested under action of the bending moment and shear force, and we fbund that a type with loop-shaped re-bars displayed approximately same load bearing capacity and deformation capability if compared with genuine specimen which had non-jointed re-bars.
- Keywords:
- Precast, Joint of re-bars, Bending experiment, Shear experiment, Load bearing capacity and and Deformation capability