Transverse Behavior of Connection between Concrete Slab and Corrugated Steel Web
By Noriyuki SUZUKI, Koichiro SHITO, Michihiro SAKURADA and Hisao TATEGAMI
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.15, No.1, Jan 2004 (Issue 34)
- Synopsis:
- In prestressed concrete bridges with corrugated steel webs, structural part connecting steel web to concrete slab which is stiff in a transversal direction compared to conventional I-shaped steel girder bridges receives relatively high transverse bending moment resulting in pullout force to dowel and weld throat. There has been few researches that investigated transverse behavior focusing on the pullout force. Therefore, static load test and fatigue test were conducted to investigate transverse behavior of the structure in which three types of connections were tested, stud dowel connections, angle dowel connections and embedded connections. The results show that angle dowel connections and embedded connections have enough static resistance and fatigue durability but stud dowel connections have insufficient static resistance and fatigue durability because some studs are ineffective to resist transverse bending moment.
- Keywords:
- Prestressed concrete bridge with corrugated steel webs, Connection, Transverse beavior, Fatigue, Stud dowel, Angle dowel, Embedded connection