Estimation of the Degree of Hydration in Cement Pastes by the SEM-BSE Image Analysis
By Shin-ichi Igarashi, Akio Watanabe and Mitsunori Kawamura
Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.14, No.2, Mar 2003 (Issue 32)
- Synopsis:
- The process of the formation of constituent phases in cement pastes with various water:cement ratios were quantitatively analyzed by the SEM-BSE image analysis. The proportions of each phase obtained by the analyses were compared with those calculated based on Powers' model. It was found from the comparisons that the volume fractions of constituents obtained by the image analysis at a certain degree of hydration were consistent with those estimated from Powers' model. The gel-space ratios were also calculated based on the degree of hydration of cement obtained by the image analysis. The development of strength in cement pastes was reasonably explained by the gel-space ratio theory.
- Keywords:
- Backscattered electron image, image analysis, constituent phase, degree of hydration, Powers' model, gel-space ratio theory