Shear Strength of PC Beams with High Strength Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
By Hiroshi Watanabe, Hirotaka Kawano, Masahiro Suzuki and Shigeto Satoh

Concrete Research and Technology
Vol.14, No.1, Jan 2003 (Issue 31)

This paper reports on the shear strength of PC beams with high strength lightweight aggregate concrete. Shear cracking strength of RC beams with lightweight coarse aggregate and lightweight sand is remarkably smaller than that with normal weight concrete. Usage of lightweight aggregate also reduces concrete contribution for shear strength after shear cracking. Shear cracking strength and ultimate shear strength of concrete increased with the amount of prestressing force. The type of aggregete seemed to have no the amount of increment of shear cracking strength by prestressing.
Lightweight aggregate, High-strength concrete, Prestressed concrete, Shear

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