Water Penetration Test on Specimens Cured in the Same Way as Precast Concrete Products
By S. Matsuoka
Concrete Journal, Vol.63, No.3, Mar. 2025
- Synopsis
- Precast concrete products use curing methods different from cast-in-place concrete, making the durability prediction formulas in the Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures [Design] inapplicable. This report compares the water penetration rate coefficients measured according to JSCE-G582 with the predicted values in the Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures for 71 test specimens made from materials supplied by concrete product factories throughout Japan, using identical curing (steam curing) conditions, but with different mix designs and curing conditions. The test results showed no strong correlation with the water-binder ratio or compressive strength, making it difficult to establish a rational prediction formula. The takeaway from this study is that for steam-cured concrete, the water penetration velocity coefficient must be individually measured for each combination of materials, mix proportions, and curing conditions.
- Keywords:
- Precast concrete product, Steam curing, Identical product curing, Water penetration test, Water penetration velocity coefficient