Summary of “Guidelines for Maintenance and Management of Structures in Nuclear Facilities” -Published by AIJ
By I. Maruyama, Y. Umeki and S. Sawada

Concrete Journal, Vol.63, No.3, Mar. 2025

The “Guidelines for Maintenance and Management of Structures in Nuclear Facilities,” published by the Architectural Institute of Japan, were established in 2008 as a standard for maintenance activities to be performed to maintain the functions of structures in nuclear facilities throughout their service life. The guidelines have undergone two revisions, in 2015 and 2024, to ensure the incorporation of the latest knowledge. As a result, the guidelines have contributed to a wide range of maintenance activities, from daily inspections to soudness evaluations of structures considering aging effects. This paper presents an overview of latest version of the guidelines.
Nuclear facilities, Maintenance and management, Required functions, Performance, Inspection, Soundness evaluation, Measures

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