Overview of Revision of “Recommendations for Practice of Concrete with Fly Ash” Published by AIJ
By Y. Dosho, Y. Tatsumi and T. Noguchi
Concrete Journal, Vol.62, No.11, Nov. 2024
- Synopsis
- This paper presents an overview of the revision of the “Recommendations for Practice of Concrete with Fly Ash” published by the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ). In recent years, consideration for environmental aspects have become increasingly important when using fly ash in concrete for construction. The main revisions this time include the introduction of new chapters on the environmental performance of fly ash concrete, the use of fly ash concrete as a measure to suppress chloride ion ingress, and underwater concrete. Additionally, a separate chapter has been dedicated to concrete in which fly ash replaces part of the fine aggregate. In terms of mix design, the section on setting the water-binder ratio using the strength contribution coefficient (k-value) has been enhanced, reflecting research results and practical achievements since the last revision in 2007.
- Keywords:
- Fly ash concrete, Mix design, Construction, Environmental aspects