Summary of Recommendations for Mix Design and Construction of Mechanically-Compacting Flowable Concrete
By Y. Kato
Concrete Journal, Vol.62, No.10, Oct. 2024
- Synopsis
- This paper provides a summary of the “Recommendations for Mix Design and Construction of Mechanically-Compacting Flowable Concrete” published in Concrete Library No. 161 in 2023. These Recommendations consist of a manual assuming the use of two standard types of fresh concrete and specifies the approach to inspecting concrete construction based on performance regulation principles. Additionally, as test methods for evaluating the quality of fresh concrete, the existing JSCE Standard (JSCE-F701) has been revised, and a new test (JSCE-F702) has been established as a JSCE Standard.
- Keywords:
- Mechanically-compacting flowable concrete, Quality assurance, Construction labor saving, Homogeneity