Outline of Major Revision of “Japanese Architectural Standard Specification JASS 5 Reinforced Concrete Work” by the Architectural Institute of Japan
By T. Noguchi, H. Jinnai and M. Kanematsu
Concrete Journal, Vol.61, No.4, Apr. 2023
- Synopsis
- In November 2022, the Architectural Institute of Japan published a new edition of JASS 5 that has been greatly revised and more clearly positioned to reflect the many changes that have taken place over the thirteen years from 2009 to 2022. These changes include changes in social conditions, and advances in materials used, construction technology and quality control methods, as well as amendments of applicable laws and regulations in the field of reinforced concrete work. The revisions were made toward the promo tion of resource recycling and a lowcarbon society, the rationalization and efficiency improvement of construction and quality control through digital transformation (DX), and the realization of higher performance and higher quality concrete. This com mentary introduces the main revisions of JASS 5.
- Keywords:
- Environmental consideration, Resource recycling, Lowcarbon,
Noncorrosive environment, Low shrinkage, Rationalization, Efficiency improvement