Results of Questionnaire Survey on Workability Problems and Unit Water Content of
High-Strength Concrete
By H. Kajita, H. Kasai and M. Kojima
Concrete Journal, Vol.61, No.3, Mar. 2023
- Synopsis
- High-strength concrete is widely used, mainly in high-rise reinforced concrete buildings. However, the low waterbinder ratio and high powder content of high-strength concrete results in high viscosity, which has long raised issues related to workability, such as pumpability, placeability, compactability, and finishability. In response, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the construction workability issues related to the properties of fresh concrete and the unit water content of high-strength concrete. The results revealed that there are still finishability and pumpability issues, and that most contractors believe that the properties of fresh concrete should be improved by increasing the unit water content up to 185 kg/m3.
- Keywords:
- High-strength concrete, Questionnaire survey, Properties of fresh concrete, Workability problems, Mixture, Unit water content