Development of Short Span Beams Using Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete
By T. Takahashi, S. Watanabe, K. Imai and H. Watanabe
Concrete Journal, Vol.60, No.8, Aug. 2022
- Synopsis
- Steel fiber reinforced concrete, which is concrete in which short steel fibers have been mixed, has been the object of much researches and developments over the years because of its ability to greatly improve mechanical properties. Experiments were conducted to verify the structural performance of short-span RC beams using specified design strength of 30-60 N/mm2 class concrete mixed with 0.0-1.0% steel fibers by volume, with hook-shaped anchorage at both ends, and the concrete mix proportions for improving workability during placing were investigated. This paper presents an overview of these two investigations and their findings.
- Keywords:
- Steel fiber reinforced concrete, Short span beam, Diagonal reinforcement, Coarse aggregate content, Ductility, Young’s modulus, Drying shrinkage