Measurement Techniques for Buildings Using Global Navigation Satellite System
By T. Mukai, K. Tajima and S. Muroi
Concrete Journal, Vol.60, No.3, Mar. 2022
- Synopsis
- The Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (Michibiki) commenced service in Japan since November 2018, and effective uses of this system are being developed in various fields. Based on this background, the authors have focused on two types of applications of satellite information in the field of building structures: Measurement of long-term building global deformation over several years, and measurement of seismic response displacement of buildings caused by earthquakes, etc. This paper outlines the measurement method and the results, and discusses the findings and future directions.
- Keywords:
- GNSS, Positioning, Long-term measurement, Seismic response measurement, RTK, Outdoor experiment, Satellite information