A Study on the Factors Affecting Salt Scaling of Concrete
By T. Ishida, H. Kato and Y. Kubo
Concrete Journal, Vol.60, No.2, Feb. 2022
- Synopsis
- A study on the influence of various properties of concrete on salt scaling was conducted using ordinary Portland cement (N) and blast furnace slag cement type B (BB). In the case of air entrainment by AE agent, the amount of scaling in the concrete using N was smaller than that in the concrete using BB at the same water-cement ratio, indicating that the difference was due to the type of cement. As compressive strength, tensile strength, static modulus of elasticity, air-void spacing factor, coefficient of linear expansion, and freezable water content are unlikely to be major factors, it is possible that the ease of water movement may influence the amount of scaling.
- Keywords:
- Salt scaling, Hydraulic pressure theory, Osmotic pressure theory, Glue spall mechanism