Preventive Maintenance of Concrete Structures, Current Status and Suggestions
By N. Takeda, K. Era, H. Hamasaki, T. Yamaguchi and H. Tanaka
Concrete Journal, Vol.59, No.10, Oct. 2021
- Synopsis
- In the maintenance of concrete structures, the importance of preventive maintenance from the viewpoint of service life extension and LCC is recognized, but the implementation of preventive maintenance is not widespread. The reasons for this are that investigation, diagnosis, and repair techniques for the early stages of deterioration have not been systematized, and specific procedures for preventive maintenance have not been presented. This paper describes the results of a survey on the awareness of preventive maintenance among engineers engaged in maintenance work, preventive maintenance implementation cases, and the challenges in the way of broader implementation, as well as the current state and issues concerning survey, diagnosis and repair technologies applicable to preventive maintenance. Based on the results of the above mentioned survey, a maintenance procedure is proposed along with an example of life cycle cost estimation.
- Keywords:
- Maintenance, Preventive maintenance, Deterioration, Investigation, Diagnosis, Repair, Life cycle cost