Overview of “Design and Construction Guidelines for Repairing Concrete Structures Using Lithium Nitrite” published by Japan Concrete Maintenance Association (JCMA)
By S. Sogo and K. Era
Concrete Journal, Vol.59, No.4, Apr. 2021
- Synopsis
- The “Design and Construction Guidelines for Repairing Concrete Structures Using Lithium Nitrite” were published by the Japan Concrete Maintenance Association (JCMA) in April 2020. These Guidelines are basically comprised of two parts: A general section and a construction method-specific manuals section. The general section describes the material properties of lithium nitrite and the concept behind the selection of a repair method using lithium nitrite. The construction method-specific manuals section describes the design, construction, and construction management standard for each of various methods including the surface impregnation method, the cross-section repair method, the crack injection repair method, and the pressurized injection method. This paper gives an overview of the main parts of these latest Guidelines.
- Keywords:
- Repair, Chloride attack, Carbonation, ASR, Lithium nitrite, Surface impregnation method, Pressurized injection method